Forklift Lift Cylinder Types

Forklift Lift Cylinder Types

Blog Article

Forklift lift cylinders rely on hydraulic fluid to transfer linear force and perform the crucial tasks of lifting, tilting, and moving materials. These cylinders are essential to forklift operation and, when not properly maintained and repaired, can lead to costly breakdowns. For that reason, it is important to know what type of cylinder your forklift uses so that when it comes time to replace them, you can get the right forklift parts.

Forklift Hydraulic Cylinder Basics

Most forklifts use hydraulic cylinders to raise and lower the mast, which allows them to hoist and move heavy loads with ease. These cylinders are powered by pressurized hydraulic fluid that is fed through a system of hoses, pumps, and valves to deliver the force required to complete a task. There are several different types of forklift cylinders, each with their own unique function, but they all work in similar ways. They use a piston or rod to transform the power of the hydraulic fluid into linear movement. When activated by the forklift operator through the control panel, this motion is transferred to the forklift’s mechanism to raise or lower its load.

The forklift’s tank holds the Single-acting vs dual-acting lift cylinders hydraulic fluid, which is pumped through a series of hoses and a hydraulic pump to push it against a piston inside the cylinder. The cylinder then moves in the direction of the flow. Some cylinders are single-acting, which means that they only apply pressure in one direction and use gravity to retract; others are double-acting, which applies force in both directions. Most forklift cylinders are double-acting, and the exact type of cylinder that your forklift uses depends on its mast design, lifting capacities, and other factors.

While most forklift lift cylinders are hydraulic, there are also pneumatic cylinders that work by using compressed air to transfer force. Pneumatic cylinders are not as powerful as hydraulic cylinders, but they offer greater flexibility and are generally cheaper to repair. Both forklift cylinders must be carefully maintained, especially when they are under pressure, to ensure that they function correctly.

A triplex mast is found on reach forklifts and has three sets of rails that raise a load. A primary lift cylinder is located in the center of the mast assembly that raises the forks and carriage near the top of the mast prior to the inner sections staging up (known as 'Free Lift'). Triplex masts allow for higher load heights than simplex and duplex masts, but they require more care when loading and unloading due to their high heights. Also known as FSV Mast, Triple Mast, TSU, or 3-Stage Upright.


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