Signs That You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist

Signs That You Should Visit an Emergency Dentist

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Taking the best care of your teeth and gums is always a good idea. But even if you keep up with regular dental checkups and cleaning, things can go wrong and cause serious issues that necessitate emergency treatment. The key is knowing the common signs that you should call your dentist right away for emergency dental services.

Most of the time, pain is the first indication that something is seriously amiss and that you should visit an emergency dentist. But there are other symptoms as well, including pus formation, fever, swollen lymph nodes and a swollen face or gums. In some cases, if an abscessed tooth is not treated promptly, it can spread to the rest of the body and be life-threatening.

In addition to tooth pain, other signs that you should visit an emergency dental office include open wounds in the mouth or bleeding from the gums that cannot be stopped. If a tooth is knocked out, it is important to rinse the mouth with warm saltwater and gently try to reposition the tooth in its socket (making sure not to touch the root) before visiting the emergency dental office. The longer a tooth goes untreated, the more damage it can suffer from and lead to more expensive and invasive treatments down the road.

It is also a good idea to Family Dentistry visit an emergency dentist if you have a tooth that has broken, chipped or cracked and is still intact. Attempting to chew or bite down with this type of injury can lead to further complications, such as breaking or cracking the remaining portion of the tooth.

A dental emergency can be caused by various problems, such as a crack or break in the tooth, loss of the filling or crown and an infection or abscess that needs to be addressed immediately. The most common sign of a dental emergency is severe or persistent toothache that does not respond to over-the-counter pain relievers or a visit to your general dentist.

People who are experiencing a dental emergency often hesitate to contact their dentist because they do not know whether the problem is urgent enough to warrant immediate attention. While some situations may not be immediately life-threatening, avoiding emergency dental care can lead to more serious conditions down the road and may not be covered by your dental insurance plan.

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